Friday, May 1, 2015

Tech Assist Week 1 Reflections

Monday, April 20: Meeting With Tech Team and Introduction with Teachers

Today began as usual, starting off in my homeroom for the first 2 periods with my class as they worked on their ancient civilization Glogster posters on any device available. We a had a variety of iPads, iPad minis, laptops, and Chromebooks that students were using. It was interesting to see the level of engagement with so many different devices circling the room.

After recess the tech team met in the staffroom. We buzzed with excitement while discussing our new role in the school and how it will plan out. We discussed the agenda for the lunch and learns as well as our daily schedule expectations. It already seems that we are cramped for time and we haven’t even gotten started! We had sent out a survey to teachers last week and the results were in. We reviewed these results and summarized the big ideas that came from the survey results. We then grouped teachers about 4-5 per tech teacher, keeping in mind current and previous grades taught as we divided the teachers amongst the tech teachers. Next we focused on creating our schedules to meet the needs of our teachers who requested specific periods for assistance. Once all the logistics were completed it was time for the introductions.

The last part of the day I went to meet each teacher that I was assigned to. I reviewed the tentative schedule that I had made with each teacher to double check the times and dates I had set to meet with them were accurate. One teacher said she was only available period 1 on days 1, 3, & 5 but in the survey had selected more available periods. This through off my schedule a little but that was fine with me as I had planned to be in my homeroom class so it was an easy fix. I also asked each teacher what it was they would like some assistance with and also offering additional programs that I thought would be beneficial for their circumstances. I also took a few moments to look over the tech devices and equipment in each room to check if they were in working order and made notes to address the tech that wasn’t working first thing.

The final consensus for each teacher was as follows:

  • M.K: Mimio is not connected to computer, does not currently use a lot of tech but very interested in learning how to use Mimio and smart notebook. Also looking for online resources for math and science.
  • M.P: Computer was just re-imaged, Mimio needs to be re-installed and connected to the computer. Is interested in assessment tools, how to use Mimio and smart notebook, and online educational resources and apps for kindergarten.
  • M.S & M.N: Has Mimio and a few iPads all in working order. Are very interested in Blogging and needs assistance getting started, also looking for assessment tools, and online educational resources and apps for kindergarten.
  • M.B: Has Mimio and a iPad bin with 7 iPads all in working order. Has a good tech background, eager to learn additional programs to use with the class. Looking for more assessment tools and to learn about Eportfolio.

Tuesday, April 21: First Day Flying Solo

I began again in my homeroom where my students continued on their Blogs hoping to be the final class time so that we can start presentations tomorrow. Students began recording their audio and were troubleshooting themselves when the microphone wasn’t working. I’m so proud of my little techies!

Later I met with M.K. for 2 periods even though she told me period 1 works best. I asked her first thing in the morning if she would mind if I came in to fix her Mimio board while she taught and she said she was fine with that as she wasn’t needing the computer anyways. As I played around and tested out the Mimio and the programs on the computer I came to the conclusion that it was not properly installed. I re-setup from the installment. From here I notice the Mimio programs began to work and I was able to finally turn the Mimio board on. While her class was completing seat work I quickly demonstrated how to turn today’s Math lesson that she had done on the carpet to recreate it using the notebook software. When students were dismissed for lunch we discussed a learning goal and decided that we would work together for the next 2 weeks to help her to become comfortable enough to create a math lesson using the mimio notebook.

In the afternoon my prep quickly turned into classroom calls to help troubleshoot tech equipment glitches. I helped M.W with her Smartboard and imovie questions, and assisted M.P with fixing her mimio software to turn on her mimio board. I used the same tactic as I did with M.K as they share the same computer but just different login, only it didn’t work with M.P’s account. This became frustrating and made no sense as the mimio worked with a different login and not hers. It took an hour and a half of waiting for it to reinstall only resulting in us having to cancel it and try again tomorrow.

Later in the afternoon I met with M.B. She expressed her interest in learning about the app ShowMe. I quickly showed her the basics of the functions that the app offers. We had two iPads which seemed to be more effective as she was able to follow along with what I was explaining by testing it out on her own. I helped her create and set up her account so that she could have groups to gather her ShowMe videos into. We worked together to develop a Math lesson to do with her class on finding angles in the classroom. Her level excitement rose as we completed the lesson as if we were students. It is nice to see a teacher at her age so involved and excited to learn new ways to teach through technology. She really is a great role model for others to see someone embrace the changes of education and run with it.

All in all, today was a great day. I felt a bit more professional as teachers who have been in the field for many years were coming to me for my expertise. I must say it has been the most surreal transformation from being a student, to being a teacher, to being a tech assist for teachers all in the matter of 2 months.

Wednesday, April 22: Earth Day Everyday

Today I started off in my home room. Since it was Earth Day we met up with the class beside us and watched a short film about Earth Day and how it started. After the video was over we had a Grand Conversation as a class to discuss the importance of Earth day and what we could do to help the Earth by going above and beyond just putting garbage in the right place and reducing electricity. The topics that came from this conversation could really have taught a lot of adults of the different ways we could be helping the Earth even with something as simple as paying attention to what it is that we buy. After recess we had an Earth Day assembly where my tech talents were put to good use as I was the official “lights” person. Yes, I was in charge of turning on and off the lights for the video and slideshow.

In the afternoon I met with M.N who is in the Kindergarten room to teach her about blogging using WordPress as she was not able to learn when the rest of the team had had an inservice on blogging. I first went over the basics of how to login using the app and the website. Then I showed her the essential features that she would be using, with keeping in mind not to introduce too much all at once as I could tell I could easily overwhelm her with it all. I walked her through and demonstrated how to take a picture and record some text about the picture and post it. Then I had her repeat the same process I had just modelled and had her try it out. Then I showed her how there were more options using the computer to access the blog as she was interested in learning about how to change the layout and colours of the blog. At the end of the session we made a goal together that she would try and post one blog a day to get more familiar.

Later I went over to the other kindergarten M.P’s room and demonstrated how to use Smart Notebook only to find out that there is a permanent watermark on the software. The program was perfectly usable accept for the fact there was this image on every page. Frustrating? Yes! I went on anyways to teach her the features as the skills would be transferable to a mimio notebook. She expressed how she could really see herself using this with her her students. Then we went over into Mimio notebook and showed her where the features that we used with Smart were in Mimio. She expressed that she liked the functionality of Smart better. I told her I would do everything in my power to help her try and get the Smart software to work without the watermark. Today I learned that I have a lot more patient with technology than most people as both of these teachers expressed how when they get frustrated with technology they give up and let it be. And I simply cannot, I keep at it until it is fixed or until I am ready to throw it out the window … I guess I let the frustration build up before I am able to say forget it.

Thursday, April 23: Lunch and Learn

This morning I met with Mrs. K for the first period as this was the only period she said would work for her. She was interesting to learn about how to use Smart notebook and Mimio notebook to create lessons for her grade ⅔ class. I modelled a brief overview of the program showing the different features and outlining all the online resources for pre-made lessons. She caught on fast and loved the interactive features of the program as she began to play with all the different resources available in the gallery content. When we went to switch over to Mimio notebook, so I could show her how to do all the same things using that program, the program would not work. It seems something may have happened when we tried to fix the pm teacher’s Mimio notebook it messed up the one on M.K’s computer. So I re-setup the program and got it to work again. (This computer and Mimio are really starting to get on my nerves!) After I got it up and running I only had a few minutes left to show here quickly the basics as her class strolled in. I will most definitely have to start our next session where we left off with today for Mimio. And I promised I will get to the bottom of this Mimio problem.

After this period I was off to my homeroom where my students began presenting their Glogster posters on their chosen Early Society. Needless to say the ones I have seen this far are amazing especially for my ESL students. This program truly is a good differentiation tool in this regard. After this I prepared for my lunch and learn on the ShowMe app. I went and set everything up in the library so I would be all set to go come time to present. During my presentation I went over the functions of the app and the different ways to use it in the classroom. I then let teachers play with it and had them ask questions as they arose. As I had anticipated the primary/junior teachers were the most interested in this app as it is a bit young for the intermediate grades. I left my lunch and learn participants with a handout that held the important information from my presentation. I then used my prep to take down my devices and return the library to normal. I also popped back into my room to watch a few more presentations.

In the afternoon I met with M.S to help answer blogging questions that she had from testing it out in her class earlier that day. They were simple questions like how to make sure a post is private and how to remove herself from the blog once she is no longer in this class. After answering her questions we had quite a bit of time left. I asked her if she was still interested in learning about using tech as an assessment tool and she was very much still interested. I taught her about Evernote and explained how I have used it in the past for documentation of kindergarten students. She expressed her extreme interest and I helped her get her whole class list setup so that she can begin documenting. I walked her through the features of the program and showed her how to organize all the documentation. I also showed her how easy it was to view this documentation when it came time to report cards. All in all she was very pleased. I quite enjoyed teaching her as she absorbed it all like a sponge and insisted on more. When a problem arose she addressed it as a challenge and put herself to the test to try and make it work. I believe this is the attitude all teachers need when working with technology. Although I know everyone learns at their own pace, they should remove any biases or negative attitudes towards technology as they are learning it and then after they have tried it a few times to then make the ultimate decision whether they will use it or not.

Friday, April 24: PD Assistant

Today was a bit of a mix up schedule wise. The whole morning we were scheduled a math PD session with the instructional coach to help teachers prep for the grade 3 EQAO tests. I had met with the instructional coach earlier on in the week as she approached me with the desire to learn about the ShowMe app with hopes to use it in today’s PD session. After teaching her all about the app she asked me if I wouldn’t mind joining in on the session to help teach it to the teachers. The PD’s focus was on Proportional Reasoning in Math. After I taught the teachers the basics of the app we played around with it in order to brainstorm ways to use it to help enhance proportional reasoning from students. As a group we developed a mini lesson to use this app with one class to gather results. We implemented the mini lesson that took about 20 min. Each teacher was assigned 2 students to monitor and ask prompting questions as the students used ShowMe to explain their thinking. 
Overall this session went very well, the teachers were amazed at the quality of responses they got from the students. They all expressed their desire to use this program again in their classes.

In the afternoon I was off to M.P’s Kindergarten room again to try and take this watermark off the Smart Notebook. I talked to a few of the tech teachers from the school and was able to get a code from the board with hopes that that would do the trick. I uninstalled and re-installed the software inputting the new code. Fingers were crossed as I started up the program and viola, the watermark was still there! I was at the point where I wanted to scream. I have been at this computer all week trying to fix it and I have come to the point of frustration and failure. I have done all I know how to do. It was time I admit the problem was above my level of training and advised M.P to make contact with IT to try and sort this out. However with me saying this, I think I gave M.P the excuse she was looking for in order not to use this program, which added to my level of frustration. She was one of my teachers that I wanted to get on the tech train to success, instead it seems as if I have given her an exit pass to opt out.

Later on in the afternoon I met with M.B on her prep to address her desire to learn Google Tour Builder. Since the computer in her room was being used for French, we went to the computer lab in search of a free computer and to our luck we found one. I showed M.B how to access it through the web and got her account all set up. I quickly reviewed the basics of the features and allowed her to to test it as I verbally guided her through it. She picked it up quite fast and was able to navigate through it without a problem. In fact she was so excited she called the librarian over to show off the tour that she just created. The librarian was so impressed she started to inquire about the program and M.B was able to teach her the basics. I was so proud of my tech in training teacher! She really shows such enthusiasm towards educational technology that it inspires other teachers to get on board with it too.

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